Leadership StylesLeadership Styles

When you ever think about different types of leaders, you tend to put them into two groups: good and bad. Maybe there was a previous boss who encouraged and guided you. And maybe that boss is so critical, they’ve made you doubt whether you’re even capable of doing something as simple as drinking coffee in the afternoon.

By using powerful leadership methods and activities, you will understand how successful leaders think and learn how to use your strengths to influence others and lead effectively. . You will learn about different parts of leadership, such as how to inspire and motivate teams, how to get people committed and how to deal with resistance when trying to make changes. You probably know that there are many types of leaders. How would you describe his leadership styles?
Here are the pros and cons of 10 common leadership styles.

Leadership styles

These styles can be said to have been developed from the ideas of many famous researchers in leadership styles, such as Carl Levin and Bernard M. Bass. Since the text is about different types of leaves, such as ferns and green leaves. However, since you know that leadership is a mixture of art and science, many experts may have slightly different definitions for these styles. such as transactional leadership

What is meant by transactional leadership?

Transactional leadership refers to a leadership style that focuses on setting clear expectations, providing rewards for achieving goals, and using consequences for failure to meet expectations.

Transactional leadership is like a contract like we give you something, and you give us something back. This is the basis of this how-to guide. Transactional leaders tell their team what to do and how to do it, and reward or punish them based on that. Imagine a boss praising someone for a job well done or asking someone to do something they don’t like because they missed a deadline. These are the things you can get as a good or bad result of your work.

With this leadership style, transformational leaders are trying to change the businesses or groups they lead by encouraging their employees to come up with new ideas.Or the things leaders want to improve, the things they want to improve.
As a result, they inspire and empower others to take control of their work and share their ideas on how to make things better.

Transformational leaders need a lot of freedom and space for people to be creative and think of new ideas. And some people prefer to focus on helping others rather than following them. And those people prefer to put the needs of others before their own. Although they are good leaders, people who use servant leadership do not try to hold on to their position and power. Apart from that they help those who follow and develop them. Like democratic leadership

What does democratic leadership mean?

Democratic leadership means that the common people choose the leaders and the decision is made on the basis of majority rule and not on the basis of the minority.

You can also participate in a type of leadership called “participatory leadership.” Leaders in this category lead groups and projects in a democratic manner. Although these leaders are in senior positions, they also focus on teamwork and involve their teams in decision making. Democratic leaders like to listen to other people and discuss their ideas together. They do not dictate from above. Except that they work together to get things done.

The company made a profit of $1 million last year, the report said. A leader who makes all decisions without taking input from others. Authoritarian leadership is very different from democratic leadership. Authoritarian leaders believe they have all the power and make choices for others. They tell you what to do and how to do it.

Now we try to know, what is meant by stakeholder in project management?

Project stakeholders are the people working on or affected by a project. Stakeholder analysis can be anyone in the organization, from regular workers to high-level leaders.
However, if those people are already part of your project, their value is high. Even if people involved in a project don’t work on the project every day, they can still be affected by the results.

Understanding The Stakeholders Involved In A Project Or Organization

One of the hardest parts of a project is to figure out and write down exactly what the project needs. Usually, the customer needs to learn how to clearly tell us what they want. Project managers and project personnel often make the problem worse by assuming that requirements will change but not preparing for it.

The requirements go beyond just the technical specifications we usually gather. The requirements that are often forgotten include needing to get specific information at certain times during the project and making sure to involve important people in the process. This kind of requirement focuses mainly on communication. As a result, project managers spend a lot of time talking to different people involved in their projects to make sure everyone understands what needs to be done.

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