Symbols of LuckSymbols of Luck

Symbols of Luck in China

There are several common symbols that have been viewed as luck-bringing in China. These include the Laughing Buddha, the Three-legged toad, and the Chicken and Pig. These symbols can be found in homes and businesses. These can be a great way to bring luck into your life.

Three-legged toad

The three-legged toad is a Chinese symbol for luck. It is traditionally portrayed with a coin in its mouth, and the Chinese character on the coin side is oriented upwards. Besides being a symbol of good luck, a three-legged toad can also serve as a wealth charm. It can be placed in the southwest, northeast, or central area of a room. It can also be placed on a meditation altar, in order to attract prosperity and abundance.

Three-legged toads are also popular in Feng Shui. They are considered to increase money luck and windfalls. They are traditionally placed on the Southeast sector of the home, known as the “Wealth Sector” of the Feng Shui Bagua. However, if you are displaying them in an unclean place, they will bring bad luck.


Throughout the ages, the chicken has been a sacrifice for mankind. It is associated with devotion, renewal, and serving the greater good. It is also associated with zeal, sexuality, and self-confidence. Throughout the centuries, it has served as a symbol of luck and fertility. As such, it is a good Animal Companion for those with long-term goals.

Chickens are also symbols of good fortune in Chinese culture. Chinese people worship chickens, considering it the most important of livestock. They also slaughter chickens for the most important occasions. The chicken is known by hundreds of names and is associated with various aspects of good luck and prosperity. Generally, white-feathered chickens are regarded as good omens and are associated with peace, wealth, and abundance. On the other hand, chickens without feathers are considered bad omens and are associated with misfortune. As such, chickens without feathers are often avoided.


Traditionally, the pig has been associated with good fortune. The story goes that the Jade Emperor instructed his officer to bring the newly made pig to earth. However, the officer misinterpreted the order and placed the pig in the sky. As a result, the pig became the last sign of the zodiac.

The pig is a symbol of luck and prosperity in China. Compared to other zodiac signs, the pig has more of an upright, peaceful nature. While the pig may be a poor choice for careers or industries that require competitiveness, it is an excellent sign for marriage, business, and relationships.


Citrine is a gemstone with a powerful connection to wealth, prosperity and success in Chinese feng shui. Its color is yellow, which corresponds to the element earth. It represents balance, the center of the universe, and the generation of yin and yang. Yellow is also associated with creativity and intellectual thought. When placed in the right location, it will promote happiness and prosperity.

Besides being an excellent talisman for the Lunar New Year, citrine also attracts abundance in all areas. It helps to bring joy and happiness into your life, as citrine harnesses the power of the sun. It is said to increase prosperity and wealth in the household.

Mystic knots

Mystic knots are lucky charms that can help you attract good luck and protection. They are believed to reduce anger and promote mental clarity. They can also help you avoid theft and kidnapping. They are a wonderful gift to give to your partner or friend.

The mystic knot can be found on jewelry, artwork, clothing, and even tattoos. It can also be used as a home decoration. Placed in the center of your home, it can attract benefactors into your life. It can also bring your family a sense of connectedness and wisdom.


In the Chinese culture, fish are symbols of luck, wealth and unity. The word for fish is pronounced the same way as surplus, making it a good symbol for prosperity. During the Chinese Spring Festival, people will leave a fish uneaten to symbolize their desire for a surplus throughout the year.

Chinese mythology and fables often feature fishes. These motifs sometimes involve fishermen and fishing baskets. Other myths feature the legendary figure of Jiang Ziya, a great general who helped establish the Zhou Dynasty. He was also known as Taigong, or the Grand Duke.

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