Mesh FacesMesh Faces

Extracting Mesh Faces in Rhino

If you’re wondering how to reduce the size of an Rhino models, then you might be interested in knowing how to remove mesh faces. This option can be used in order to decrease the amount of mesh faces but maintaining the geometry and quality. This results in an triangular mesh that is free of distortion in texture and geometrical. Other options to aid in reducing the size of your file include SurfacesWithinSolid to remove only the mesh on the surface and NonManifoldFaces to isolate surfaces from edges.

Griddle 2.00

The Griddle 2.00 Plug-in which lets you quickly remove mesh faces from Rhino 3D models. This plug-in needs Rhinoceros 3D 6.0 or higher to function properly. It can create an exterior mesh to define the boundary between the exterior and interior of a model. It can also generate a surface mesh for all solids within that same layer as well as independently for each individual solid. It comes with a variety of enhancements and fixes which include significant speedier surface mesh generation as well as updated information. This version also resolves an issue when the saving of log files using non-English characters.

Size of files is an important problem for a lot of Rhino users. The issue lies in the fact that Rhino files typically contain massive amounts of geometry. This includes curves, surfaces and meshes. People may not comprehend the reason why their files are massive. This is due to being aware that Rhino utilizes special display meshes that display surfaces of objects. Due to this, users might not know the number of polygons that are contained in the display mesh.

Another method to reduce file size is to separate mesh models in Rhino models. This can be accomplished using various commands. One of them, ReduceMesh, allows you to reduce how many mesh faces within the model without losing quality. It is also possible to utilize the SurfacesWithinSolid command to remove the surfaces of a solid. This command comes with a second option, called NonManifoldFaces. It is used to separate edges from faces. Another option that can be useful to use is that of the FillHole option, that can fill in holes within mesh objects and reduce size of files.


If you’ve ever worked with Rhino you’re aware that these files are huge filled with geometric shapes and surfaces. What’s the cause? Rhino makes use of a particular display mesh for rendering surfaces which can contain many polygons. As a default, you may not be aware of how many faces reside on these surfaces. If you remove this part that isn’t needed it will reduce the size of the file.

One way to decrease the size of files in Rhino is to utilize the command TestPurgeBitmapTable. This command can only be used via your command prompt. You do not need to use autocomplete with this command, however you must enter the entire command. Once you’ve done that the command will remove all bitmaps in your document. It may not be enough and you could still require some bitmaps.

Another method to reduce the files is by exporting your geometry in smaller parts. This option in Rhino will let you import geometry from other programs like Mastercam. If the file you’re exporting is huge units, this could result in problems when it comes to creating toolpaths. It’s best to verify the geometry before exporting it into another application. This can prevent unanticipated issues.


There are many Rhino customers complain about their file being big. This is a frequent issue however the cause for the file’s size might not be as clear as it appears. The issue is Rhino utilizes special display meshes for displaying surfaces. They can be massive, especially in the case of settings that aren’t perfect.

There are a variety of methods to reduce the file size within Rhino. One method is using the _-SaveAs command. This allows you to save your file in an uncompressed one with the same name convention. Another option is to utilize the SurfacesWithinSolid extraction option. This command will remove the surface meshes from the solid, changing their names and saving the smaller file.

SurfacesWithinSolid extraction can be a fantastic method to reduce the size of files in Rhino. This command will help minimize the amount of mesh faces however, it will preserve the quality. The result is triangular mesh. It is also possible to utilize the NonManifoldFaces feature to differentiate faces from edges. Additionally, you can utilize the option to check for errors in the GVol MeshSettings menu.

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