Comment on a Girls PostComment on a Girls Post

What to Comment on a Girls Post

One of the best ways to start a conversation with a girl on social media is by commenting on her posts and pictures. Although commenting on a girls pictures and posts is fairly common, making unique comments can strengthen the bond between you and the girl. So, what should you say in a comment? Before making a comment, it is important to consider what you would say to her in person.

Compliment her personality

When you notice something great in a girl’s profile, make sure to comment on it. This will make her feel rejuvenated and give her positive vibes. Complimenting her sense of humor, for example, can be a great way to show your interest in her. Alternatively, you could compliment her cooking skills, her playing an instrument, or her exercising skills. Just make sure that you don’t make your comment sound too insincere or too glib.

When giving compliments, be sure to dig deeper than the common adjectives and find something unique about the person. A study by Quora revealed that people respond most to compliments that point out a person’s unique attributes. These specific compliments can nudge people closer to each other by making them feel appreciated. Also, make sure to be sincere with your compliments, sincerity shows that you have taken the time to learn more about the person behind the person.

Using your imagination while writing a comment is also crucial. Cliches under a girl’s profile often go unnoticed, so be creative and original with your words. Women like to read messages that show a personal touch. Complimenting a girl’s personality with a thoughtful comment or message will impress her and strengthen the relationship.

Complimenting a girl’s appearance is a great way to show your interest, but a better approach is to compliment her personality. A simple compliment of her appearance can be a great way to make a girl smile, but a subtle compliment of her uniqueness can also make her feel special.

Compliment her looks

There’s an art to commenting on a girl’s photo and complimenting her looks. You’ll be surprised to see how much a beautiful girl notices it when you make an effort to comment on her photos. Here are some tips on how to compliment a girl’s pictures:

Make the comment seem genuine. Girls enjoy compliments that are genuine and sincere. It’s also a good idea to think about what message you want to send. For instance, you could say something about her looks and extrapolate it to her character, personality, or accomplishments.

A compliment about a girl’s work is romantic and flattering. It shows that you appreciate her talent and value her as a person. Moreover, it adds flirtatiousness to the conversation. It’s a great way to express your interest in her and turn up the chemistry in your relationship.

When making comments on a girl’s post, choose the right words. It doesn’t have to be long and complex. One word can make a big difference and show the girl that you are really interested in her. Whether you’re commenting on her outfit or where she’s at, girls love to see comments like these.

Complimenting a girl’s looks through social media is a good way to start a conversation. While complimenting a girl’s looks is not the only way to impress her, a good comment can make the girl feel special. She’ll be more inclined to reply to you and want to meet you in person.

By Real

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